Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

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Fig. 5. Effect of super laryngeal nerve (SLN) transection on the pharyngo-esophageal inhibitory reflex (PEIR). This figure shows transecting the SLN had no effect on the PEIR, showing that the SLN did not transmit afferents for the PEIR. Esophageal peristalsis was activated by injection of air into the esophagus and PEIR was activated by injecting water into the pharynx. LES, lower esophageal sphincter; ESO, esophagus; 5754, animal number; 10/15/96, date of the study on Oct 15, 1996. Adapted from Lang et al.11
J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2024;30:397~406
© J Neurogastroenterol Motil