Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

Table. 1.

Definition of Levels of Evidence and Strength of Recommendation (Adapted From Andrews et al10)

Level of evidence
High At least one RCT or SR/meta-analysis with no concerns regarding study quality
Moderate At least one RCT or SR/meta-analysis with minor concerns regarding study quality or, at least one cohort/case-control/diagnostic test design study with no concerns regarding study quality
Low At least one cohort/case-control/diagnostic test study with minor concerns regarding study quality, or at least one single arm before-after study or cross-sectional study with no concerns regarding study quality
Very low At least one cohort/case-control/diagnostic test design study with serious concerns regarding study quality, or at least one single arm before-after study or cross-sectional study with minor/severe concerns regarding study quality
Grade of recommendation
Strong for Strong recommendations are offered when the desirable effects of an intervention clearly outweigh the undesirable effects
Conditional for Conditional recommendations are offered when trade-offs are less certain, either because of low-quality evidence or because evidence suggests that desirable and undesirable effects are closely balanced

RCT, randomized controlled trial; SR, systematic review.

J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2023;29:271~305
© J Neurogastroenterol Motil