Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

Table. 2.

Characteristics of the Studies Showing Mode of Diagnosis and Prevalence of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Systemic Sclerosis

No Author Study year Region Type of study Patients with SSc (n) Patients with SSc sub-type (n) Criteria for SSc Controls (n) Type of control Mode of diagnosis of SIBO SIBO in SSc (n [%]) SIBO in SSc sub-types (n) SIBO in controls (n)
dcSSc lcSSc dcSSc lcSSc
1 Adarsh et al48 2017 India Prevalence 37 16 34 ACR NA NA GBT 7 (18.9) NA NA NA
2 Bae et al47 2013 USA/France Prevalence 55 24 27 ACR NA NA LBT 21 (38.2) NA NA NA
3 Brown et al46a 2008 UK Prevalence 8 3 5 Not stated NA NA GBT 8 (100.0) 3 5 NA
4 Chaudhary et al45a,b 2010 India Prevalence 35 9 26 Not stated NA NA BT 12 (34.3) NA NA NA
5 Cobden et al29 1980 UK Case control 20 NA NA Not stated 18 Not healthy JAC 4 (20.0) NA NA 0
6 Cruz-Dominguez et al44a,b 2017 Mexica Prevalence 68 27 41 ACR NA NA GBT 44 (64.7) NA NA NA
7 Di Ciaula et al28a 2008 Italy Case control 38 4 34 ACR 60 NA LBT 0 (0.0) 0 0 0
8 Fynne et al43a 2011 Denmark Prevalencec 15 NA NA ACR 17 Healthy GBT 3 (20.0) NA NA NA
9 Garcia-Collinot et al42a 2019 Mexico Prevalence 74 32 43 ACR/EULAR NA NA LBT 40 (54.1) 18 22 NA
10 Gemignani et al22 2013 Italy Case control 50 18 32 Not stated 60 Healthy GBT 9 (18.0) NA NA 3
11 Gough et al49a 1995 UK Prevalence 10 8 2 ARA NA NA LBT 0 (0.0) 0 0 NA
12 Kaye et al23 1994 1994 UK Case control 10 NA NA ARA 10 Healthy JAC 4 (40.0) NA NA 0
13 Kaye et al24 1995 1995 UK Case control 24 6 17 ACR 9 Healthy JAC 8 (33.3) 2 6 0
14 Levin et al41 2021 Canada Prevalencec 29 7 20 Not stated 20 Healthy GBT 13 (44.8) 2 10 NA
15 Madrid et al40 2012a,b 2012 Chile Prevalence 30 9 21 ARA NA NA LBT 16 (53.3) 8 8 NA
16 Madrid et al39 2020a,b 2020 Chile Prevalence 53 NA NA Not stated 37 NA LBT 32 (60.3) NA NA NA
17 Marie et al37 2009 2009 France Prevalence 51 25 26 ACR NA NA GBT 22 (43.1) 8 14 NA
18 Marie et al38 2015 2015 France Prevalence 125 43 82 ACR/EULAR NA NA GBT 44 (35.2) NA NA NA
19 Owyang32a 1994 USA Case control 5 NA NA ARA 6 Healthy GBT 5 (100.0) NA NA NA
20 Parodi et al31 2008 Italy Case control 55 18 37 ARA 60 Healthy LBT 30 (54.6) NA NA 4
21 Polkowska-Pruszy´nska et al25 2020 Poland Case control 39 6 33 ACR/EULAR 39 Healthy LBT 19 (48.7) NA NA 5
22 Savarino et al26 2013 Italy Case control 99 31 68 ARA 60 Healthy LBT 47 (47.5) NA NA 3
23 Sawadpanich et al36 2019 Thailand Prevalence 89 65 24 ACR NA NA GBT 12 (13.5) 9 3 NA
24 Shindo et al27 1998 Japan Case control 12 12 0 ARA 19 Healthy JAC 7 (58.3) 7 0 3
25 Soudah et al35a 1991 USA Prevalencec 5 5 0 ARA 6 Healthy GBT 5 (100.0) 5 0 NA
26 Tauber et al34 2014 France Prevalence 37 14 23 Not stated NA NA GBT 14 (37.8) NA NA NA
27 Wegener et al33a 1994 Germany Prevalence 14 6 7 ARA NA NA GBT 3 (21.4) NA NA NA
28 Zou et al30 2019 Canada Case control 25 NA NA ACR/EULAR 20 Healthy BT 13 (52.0) NA NA NA

aIndicates studies which only measured hydrogen (and not methane) during breath testing.

bIndicates studies published as conference abstract.

cSIBO was measured only in cases (systemic sclerosis [SSc]-patients) and not in controls, hence classified as prevalence studies.

dcSSc, diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis; lcSSc; limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis; SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth; ACR, American College of Rheumatology, ACR/EULAR, American College of Rheumatology & European League Against Rheumatism; ARA, American Rheumatism Association; NA, not available; GBT, glucose breath test; LBT, lactulose breath test; BT, breath test; JAC, jejunal aspirate and culture.

J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2023;29:132~144
© J Neurogastroenterol Motil