Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

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Fig. 7. Slow-wave and spike-burst activity during pendular contractions. (A) Spatiotemporal longitudinal strain maps that show the longitudinal muscle activity in the mesenteric and anti-mesenteric side of the intestine. (B, C) Activation maps that show the propagation of slow-waves and spike-bursts during the time interval indicated by the rectangle in (A). The shaded area represents the position of the intestine on the electrode array. Spike-bursts activated as longitudinal patches. The spike-burst activity was different in the mesenteric and anti-mesenteric sides, and the contractile activity was also different as seen in (A). (D) Electrical signal traces from a row of electrodes with the slow-wave events marked as red crosses. The solid white arrow indicates the longitudinally propagating spike-burst shown in (B), and the solid black arrows indicate the propagating slow-wave shown in (C). The spike-bursts were associated with slow-waves, but the propagation patterns deviated at times. The dashed arrows indicate an instance where the spike-bursts of a distal slow-wave propagated beyond a slow-wave collision seemingly deviating from the slow-wave activity. The spatiotemporal activation of slow-waves and spike-bursts during pendular contractions is shown in video form in Supplementary Video 4.
J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022;28:664~677
© J Neurogastroenterol Motil