Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

Table. 3.

Characteristics of Patients With Esophageal Diverticulum (n = 63) in Achalasia-related Esophageal Motility Disorders (n = 3682)

Variables Cases of esophageal diverticulum (n = 63) Controls (n = 3619)a P-value
Age at onset (yr) 59 (40, 66.5) 40 (28, 56.0) < 0.001
Age at onset < 40 yr 15 (23.8%) 1756 (48.5%) < 0.001
Duration of symptoms (mo) 105.5 (66.8, 191.5) 64.5 (20.8, 186.0) 0.219
Duration of symptoms ≥ 10 yr 24 (38.1%) 1141 (31.5%) 0.330
Age at diagnosis (yr) 70 (56.5, 75.0) 50 (38.0, 66.0) < 0.001
Age at diagnosis ≥ 65 yr 39 (61.9%) 995 (27.5%) < 0.001
Sex (men) 40 (63.5%) 1818 (50.2%) 0.050
Body mass index (kg/m2) 20.8 (18.1, 23.6) 20.9 (18.7, 23.6) 0.933
Body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2 14 (22.2%) 580 (16.0%) 0.250
Eckardt score 5 (3.8, 6.3) 6 (4.0, 8.0) 0.004
Eckardt score ≥ 7 15 (25.0%) 1374 (39.3%) 0.034
Type I achalasia on HRMb 12 (35.3%) 1529 (55.8%) 0.026
IRP on HRM 23.8 (15.5, 34.9) 27.1 (17.9, 38.0) 0.100
IRP ≥ 26 mmHg on HRM 26 (44.8%) 1613 (54.1%) 0.202
Sigmoid-type achalasiac 13 (20.6%) 871 (24.1%) 0.629
Grade of esophageal dilation ≥ II 18 (29.0%) 2112 (58.4%) < 0.001

aControls were defined as patients without esophageal diverticulum on esophagography.

bType I achalasia was analyzed in patients with type I, type II, and type III achalasia on high-resolution manometry (HRM).

cSigmoid-type achalasia includes advanced sigmoid-type achalasia.

IRP, integrated relaxation pressure.

Number of missing values: 2 for body mass index and 128 for Eckardt score.

The esophagography findings of 2 patients were excluded due to inadequate measurement of esophageal dilation.

J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022;28:222~230
© J Neurogastroenterol Motil