Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility : eISSN 2093-0887 / pISSN 2093-0879

Cited by CrossRef (210)

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  50. Seung Ku Lee, Dae Wui Yoon, Hyeryeon Yi, Si Woo Lee, Jong Yeol Kim, Jin Kwan Kim, Jeong Hwa Hong, Chol Shin. So-Eum Type as an Independent Risk Factor for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Population-Based Study in Korea. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2014;20:846
  51. Kristy Phillips, Bradley J. Wright, Stephen Kent. Irritable bowel syndrome and symptom severity: Evidence of negative attention bias, diminished vigour, and autonomic dysregulation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2014;77:13
  52. Jocelynn T. Owusu, Alice Sibelli, Rona Moss‐Morris, Miranda A.L. van Tilburg, Rona L. Levy, Megan Oser. A pilot feasibility study of an unguided, internet‐delivered cognitive behavioral therapy program for irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology Motil 2021;33
  53. Alessandro Adriani, Davide G. Ribaldone, Marco Astegiano, Marilena Durazzo, Giorgio M. Saracco, Rinaldo Pellicano. Irritable bowel syndrome: the clinical approach. Panminerva Med 2018;60
  54. Elise Nordin, Rikard Landberg, Per M. Hellström, Carl Brunius. Exploration of differential responses to FODMAPs and gluten in people with irritable bowel syndrome- a double-blind randomized cross-over challenge study. Metabolomics 2024;20
  55. Danúbia C. Sá-Caputo, Ana Carolina Coelho-Oliveira, Juliana Pessanha-Freitas, Laisa Liane Paineiras-Domingos, Ana Cristina Rodrigues Lacerda, Vanessa Amaral Mendonça, Anelise Sonza, Redha Taiar, Alessandro Sartorio, Adérito Seixas, Mario Bernardo-Filho. Whole-Body Vibration Exercise: A Possible Intervention in the Management of Post COVID-19 Complications?. Applied Sciences 2021;11:5733
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  57. Hong Sub Lee, Young‐Sil An, Joonkoo Kang, Jun Hwan Yoo, Kwang Jae Lee. The effect of acute auditory stress on gastric motor responses to a meal in healthy volunteers. J of Gastro and Hepatol 2013;28:1699
  58. Kang Nyeong Lee, Oh Young Lee, Myung-Gyu Choi, Chong Il Sohn, Kyu Chan Huh, Kyung Sik Park, Joong Goo Kwon, Nayoung Kim, Poong-Lyul Rhee, Seung-Jae Myung, Joon Seong Lee, Kwang Jae Lee, Hyojin Park, Yong Chan Lee, Suck Chei Choi, Hye-Kyung Jung, Sam Ryong Jee, Chang Hwan Choi, Gwang Ha Kim, Moo In Park, In Kyung Sung. Efficacy and Safety of Tiropramide in the Treatment of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Non-inferiority Trial, Compared With Octylonium. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2014;20:113
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  62. Abigail Schubach, Brian M. Quigley, Jeffrey M. Lackner, Gregory D. Gudleski. Somatization Mediates the Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Pain Ratings in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 2024;58:1034
  63. Marietta Iacucci, Rosanna Cannatelli, Nunzia Labarile, Subrata Ghosh. Emotional state should not be used to differentiate IBD from IBS – Authors' reply. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2020;5:723
  64. Natalia Płóciennik-Korycka, Sara Maria Pani, Bogumiła Bruc, Paolo Contu, Magdalena Wrzesińska. Exploring manual therapy in the management of irritable bowel syndrome in adults: A scoping review. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2025;89:103136
  65. Sarah Ballou, Dipesh H. Vasant, Livia Guadagnoli, Bonney Reed, Giuseppe Chiarioni, Liesbeth ten Cate, Laurie Keefer, Sarah W. Kinsinger. A primer for the gastroenterology provider on psychosocial assessment of patients with disorders of gut‐brain interaction. Neurogastroenterology Motil 2024;36
  66. Alexandra Wright-Hughes, Pei-Loo Ow, Sarah L Alderson, Matthew J Ridd, Robbie Foy, Felicity L Bishop, Matthew Chaddock, Catherine Fernandez, Elspeth A Guthrie, Delia P Muir, Christopher A Taylor, Amanda J Farrin, Hazel A Everitt, Alexander C Ford. Predictors of response to low-dose amitriptyline for irritable bowel syndrome and efficacy and tolerability according to subtype: post hoc analyses from the ATLANTIS trial. Gut 2025:gutjnl-2024-334490
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